Imaginative nationalism or Aestheticising the Irish Nation – The famine’s Absence in Yeats Poetry – Topographies in Crisis, Topographies of crisis or landscape and the “filthy modern tide” – “Blessed still this tower” : Subjectivity, modernity and the Poetics of Claustrophillia – “Move upon Newton’s town” : Modernity and the Poetics of Thanatography – “We that look on but laugh in tragic joy” : Irony on tragic Laughter – “An aged man is but a paltry thing “: Willie’s ‘Monkey Gland’ or the Bio-Aesthetics of Ageing– Yeats’s “learned Italian things” or Italian Influence from Dante to Mussolini – “In excited reverie” : Yeats’s Fascism Revisited – Debiliating Dublin in James Joyce’ Dubliners and Yeats Poetry – The Architecture of the Sublime in Yeats and Le Corbusier – Nation and Translation in W. B. Yeats and Abul Kacem Chabbi.
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